today we went straight into puriri the reason we went into puriri was that we needed to reuse some old ripped jeans that its owners did not want i thought? that that was a good idea.
i got more interested the more Joe and Sheree showed USS what to do and what we could make but before i was ready to go start we got to chose a buddy to work with i new i should go with a wonderful kind buddy and i saw harmony i said "would you like to be my buddy and she leaped of the floor right onto a chair right next to me.
what should we make a bag a swimming bag a apron or a phone holder or a tool belt she yelled out "a tool belt so we found some light greyish blue coloured jeans first we cut it with scissors the n we sewed some love hearts on the jeans finally we showed the teacher and she said thats really cool girls! which is really nice to hear.
what we needed to make a tool belt.
1. scissors 2. jeans 3. needle and thread. 4. a awesome buddy like harmony.