
Thursday, December 2, 2021

why i want to meet mister wolf in the bad guys book.

 To mister wolf please let me meet you because you always go and see your teammates to save things and people on the planet. 

I don't know why but I still think they don't like the name good guys club but if you want someone to not bother you or does not complain that much. It's me.

 I would like to meet you because you're always doing funny things and you have a brilliant team which is Mr snake Mr shark legs  and Mr piranha i wish i could see you on episode 12 but you have already done that mission.

If you want to meet me please tell me where you are so i can see you.

Monday, November 29, 2021


 what is a quad ski  a quad ski is an amphibian that can drive  45 mph  on water and land how it works is when you go in the water the quad skis wheels go flat facing up. the quad ski is around $40.000.the quad ski is an ineradicable invention and they are very different from other invention. 

the quad ski has lots of people that want to by it and this is all because of Alan Gibbs.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

the truth of the missing newspaper book writer.

 Last seen mouse island at rodents gazette.  Green jacket, green pants and wearing a red bowtie.glasses included he is a totally green type of mouse. He has soft orange fur and whiskers as long as a never ending fence.

He is always looking forward to going on a vacation but ends up on terrifying adventures you wouldn't believe.

He is a mouse that never wants to wake up in the morning. And never ever likes his cousin traps cooking.

He is mysterious. Our crime is that he has not written a single book. He will be kicked out of the rodent's gazette forever if we don't find him. We won't have any newspapers or books to sell which is a serious crime. 

If you find him you will get a reward of a lifetime!

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

jean savers.

 today we went straight into  puriri the reason we went into puriri was that we needed to reuse some old ripped jeans that its owners did not want i thought? that  that was a good idea. 

i got more interested the more Joe and Sheree  showed USS what to do and what we could make but before i was ready to go start we got to chose a buddy to work with i new i should go with a wonderful kind buddy and i saw harmony i said "would you like to be my buddy and she leaped of the floor right onto a chair right next to me.

 what should we make a bag a swimming bag a apron or a phone holder or a tool belt she yelled out "a tool belt so we found some light greyish blue coloured jeans first we cut it with scissors the n we sewed some love hearts on the jeans finally we showed the teacher and she said thats really cool girls! which is really nice to hear.       

what we needed to make a tool belt.                

1. scissors  2. jeans  3. needle and thread.  4. a awesome buddy like harmony.       




Tuesday, November 16, 2021

i did some maths in the home learning slide and i wanted to put it on my blog i thought it would be a good place to put it.


Monday, November 15, 2021

maths problem solving.

1/3 of 12=4
1/4 of 8=2
1/3 of 15=5
1/4 of 16=4
2/5 of 25=5
3/5 of 15=5
i think there right.


Friday, November 12, 2021

report about guinea pig spelling bee

 There is a girl that made her own video. First she went and got her two guinea pigs called maddiy and whisper.the goal for the guinea pigs is to write down the answers on the spelling bee chalkboard .

 Then she asks the guinea pigs to spell things like animals and objects and even words that are quite long that were aggression nation magician or expression.

After that she waits for the guinea pigs to press a big red button and then write it down on the chalkboard. If they get it  right they get a check on a piece of cardboard.

Finally  the furry guinea pigs have dun  a few more answers to questions  when the girl reveals who won she yelled out in a booming voice maddiy!

Rubik's cube guy.

 On YouTube there is a famous You Tuber who makes self portraits out of Rubik's cubes .

He uses a big wooden frame  to hold the Rubik's cubes together.

First he finds a picture of famous celebrities.then he tips out a huge box of Rubik's cubes on  the floor all mixed up.Next he starts to twist them into the right colours . 

He is so fast he can do it with one hand which is amazing.

 Then he finally keeps stacking them until his incredible art work is done.

time travel to the war of london.

 The time travel pourtle catapulted Alice lily and me out of of the time travel as fast as a washing machine we landed in London in the middle of a war all the soldiers were marching and trying to take down the french that where tearing houses and towns down it was dirty and all the people were terrified of the french dropping bombs on there houses.

 we had nowhere to go for shelter   but as soon as we saw a bomb coming straight for us we jumped the bomb set of in record time we flung in the air dodging the huge explosion of terror we dropped in a mud puddle soaking with mud dripping of our wet bodys it was terrible we thought it couldn't get any worse but it did.

 we ran into a old looking building and in the building was a towel on the floor we picked it up and dried of our damp bodys but in that second i tripped and fell into a trapdoor lily and Alice didn't know where i went and i didn't know eathere until  i landed into a bomb shelter lily and Alice searched for me until they fell in the trap door until they landed in the  bomb shelter entrance.

 they saw me there and we were back together again i was so happy they found me i swung my arms around lily and and Alice giving them a big hug we new we had to get out of the bomb shelter as fast as we could so we ran down the aisle  until Alice spotted a ladder we climbed up the ladder and when we got to the top we knew we were in the big Ben tower.

 we ran up the stairs until we could run no more a minute later we were at the top and we thought ?what do we have to do  to get out of this time i didn't know until it hit me we have to touch the clock we opened a window and i put my hand out and touched the clock we flew into the air into the time travel pourtle not wanting to now if we were about to go to a place we did not want to go to.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

time travel to the roman age.

 Bong crash bang ! lily me and Alice got pushed out by the swooping time travel numbers we crashed to the ground and landed right in the middle of the Colosseum it was incredible i stood up and looked around so did Alice and lily. 

We looked at all the people watching us they seemed to be yelling get out of   their lily didn't know why but before we new that we could see a  gladiator charging at us with his sharp soured it looked like it was as sharp as shark teeth so i yelled run 

Lily ran in circles. Alice ran left and I ran right.

 The gladiator seemed to follow Lilly but Lilly was so freaked out she ran like a rocket.

 It was hard to see the exit but Lilly yelled exit! Quick go through the exit she pointed to a tiny door we all started running but the gladiator still chased us 

We got to the door one at a time Alice was last she pushed her body through but the people in the stadium watching where making such a big racket some rooks fell they where the size of a ant and there were millions of them and Alice got stuck the gladiator was so mad that we came it the middle of a fight with the competitors that he was Evan faster then he was before so we tried pulling Alice through  even harder we pulled so hard Alice flung right on top of the sandy land we helped Alice up and we turned around and the gladiator was running towards us.

 i found some buckets full of water so i grabbed one and when  the gladiator got closer i climbed a mountain of fruit and when the gladiator ran past me i jumped and poured the water on his head and touched the gladiator before Alice and lily where as flat as a pancake we  flung in the air right into the time travel pourtle.

Friday, October 29, 2021

whaea Kenya is so awesome she played games in Maori like ika ika and whui. which  was really cool because the games like whui dad Te reo Maori words called pako and peke it was fun learning new games
with her because she made it fun by if you get it rong try again. also she had a  golden box which had so many cool prizes  and if you get  to pick out of it you feel proud of yourself like i did and that is WY i like her being my teacher just like whaea jorja.

time travel stone age.

 Alice lily and i where swirling in a storm of time travel we were twisting turning and floating in thin air it was the really weird i thought what if we never went back to the same time i was  before but before i new it me lily and Alice were dropped to the ground by the time travel pourtle. We dropped 5 feet high. 

I was freaked out after the pourtle because it was something  that had never happened before.and we did not think there would be so many trees here and animals.

 It was amazing but I could smell something burning. I followed the smell with Alice and Lily. 

When the smell stopped we saw a group of cave people around a fire cooking meat.

 They were wearing the skin of animals, they had very long hair and they had long fingernails.

 We didn't want to approach the cave people because we didn't know if they were friendly we tried  looking around for a cave but didn't see one we took a few steps but Alice stepped on a lizard lily didn't like lizards but it was to late lily saw the big green lizard and she was so scared she let out a scream and the cave people looked at us with their eyeballs popping out. 

they started walking towards us  the biggest cave person said weird words we didn't understand they pointed their fingers in the angle of a cave and thought we were looking for it we sed thank you but we knew they couldn't  understand us we ran in the cave and we checked all walls but not the sealing we looked up and saw the cave paintings we thought how to get up and put our hands on it but in that moment Alice new what to do she told us the plan and this is we did Alice and me put our hands together and lily stood  on our hands and we lifted her up me and Alice where huffing and puffing because we were exhausted.

 When lily finally touched the painting we got sucked in the swirling storm of time thinking What's our next journey?

environmental and sustainability awards.

 hooray we shouted what a great day to now we one!  our  environmental and sustainability awards.

it was exciting that we won i was impressed we made our own little short video.

but i was thinking ? what are we doing with the twenty thousand dollars? i did not now but i would be even more excited if i new. but it was cool our school was doing so much inviro. I thought of what to do with the 20   thousand dollars and maybe we should have a heated pool that is not so cold.then maybe more people would enjoy swimming in it.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Friday, September 10, 2021

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

seahorse writing.

 There is a male spotty seahorse having babies.

They are yellow and  are  popping  out of a little hole in the males stomach.

not in eggs.

 There were two thousand baby seahorses.

 only 5 to  10 live to be adults.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

home learning.

 i love playing the piano and i can play a lot of songs i would like to move on to the easy stage instead of beginner which i am really good at we have a piano and this is what it looks like it is fun and if you have a piano you should look for easy piano it is fun and it will show you how to do it .


Friday, August 13, 2021

hot chocolate.




hot water


what you need to make it

a spoon




boil water

 get a cup 

put a spoon full of Milo in the cup

put in milk with Milo

 ad hot water in till it gets 3 corters filled up in the cup 

 put in two marshmallows in the cup

mix with spoon in till all the hot chocolate is of the bottom



my goal.


Tuesday, July 6, 2021

pygmy sea horse

 the pygmy seahorse is one of the smallest seahorse in the world it is 2 cm long it has to camouflage to a purple or orange sea fan the father seahorse has babies that are dull brown they turn purple because of tubercles.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

the pruduction.

 today at school there was a production it all started when we went on stage i wasn't freaked out i was so ex sighted and the rest of the class looked like they were going to faint because they got stage fright any way when we went on the stage music blowed of my ears it was super duper loud .when we started dancing i saw the huge  croud waiting to see some amazing dancing and smiles so i just went for it and smiled and danced like i was a real famous dancer  and i had so much fun like the most ever ive had and i am so glad we did it and nailed it. it was mind blowing to me the cool thing is that we have to do it again  at dinner time when its dark thats even better its a little more interesting when its dark there will be bright lights and my dad and brother are coming to watch isla and me it is truly the best day ever at school.

my octopus teacher

 ass the octopus wraps  around craigs hand he goes  up 

 To breath She watches Craig as she sits still in craigs hand.  well Craig is popping up out of the water all the sudden wosh she's gone.

The octopus is hiding from all sorts of preadatearse that have been haunting her for years in her time.

As she puts her2000 suckers  on to Craig's hand she starts to curl its  suckers on craigs hands like poping bobbles. 


The water is as cold as frozen ice when Craig goes to explore the amazing ocean. Craig wants to feel like he's a part of it when he's with his octopus teacher.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Monday, June 28, 2021


In term two i was spelling at 9.8 years.

Friday, June 25, 2021

How to make a ukulele

1. what is a luthier? a luthier is a person who makes stringed instruments such as violins guitars and ukulele.

2. how long does it tack Dave to make ukulele? a week

3. a diagram of the parts of ukulele 

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

our trip to puketi forest .

 yesterday we went to  puke-ti forest. on the bus on a really windy  road  i got bus sick and it felt like my head was spinning so i sat in the front  about 20 min later we arrived at a different walk instead of walking we ate are morning tea  for a little bit. i started tacking  pictures of the trees and indica and me after that we want on the bus we arrived at puke-ti forest then we meat john a man that wanted to look after the forest he showed ass what they yous to trap the pests in the forest he talked about the pests how they cache the kiwis in the forest  i took pictures of the dead pestes then we washed our shoes on  a foot washer so that we diden

how to play ki-o-rahi

ki-o-rahi is a can play it inside and outside . whaea Gina taught us howto comes from 
Aouteroa .it is a  mix of rugby 'netball 'softball and ripper .

what you need.
a big drum 10 cones 7 pou 1 small ball the size of a persons head .2 teams tanewha and kioma and ripper tags.

how to play ki-o-rahi 
so there is two people in the middle of the ten cones  right  by the drum .the kiateake  has to try and make shore that the riper  people dont hit the drum with the ball. the kioma  have to try and touch all the pou in a team with out giting tagged.

the rules of ki-o-rahi 
the rules  are if you get tagged by tanewha  they have to pas to there team .if the tanewha throws the ball at the drum and the kiateaki cache the ball they can pas it to kioma  so then  they  can start  to get points.

how to win 
keoma wins by taching all the seven pou  with out the tanewha steel the ball and try to win the tanewha wins by throwing the ball at the drum ass meany times ass tanwha can lintel the teacher tells them to stop.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

rotational symmetry.


                     this is our art work for rotation, our amazing totara class art .  they  are  so awesome! because 
                     it rotates in 4 decorations.

Monday, May 17, 2021

why pets are import int in my whanau.

 Why Pets are important in my whanau.

Hi  do you have a pet because if you do it is our responsibility to look after them. if you go for a walk with your pet. It is absolutely good exercise for your pet and you . for dogs All dogs care for their owners onles they don't take good care of them. That's why they need to be fed and taken outside for a walk and  you need to play with your pet every day.

Before you get a pet you have to be ready and have all the stuff you need to look after them so you don't have too and get all the stuff that you already should have. That is why you should have it all ready.

Why they are so interesting?

 It is awesome having a pet because they are animals. Have you ever thought of how you are looking after a real animal? Well that is why it is good to look after pets .

Feeding my pets

When I feed my dog I give her one cup of dog food.  all sorts of different dogs need more or less than the other same with some other pets.  


Looking after your pets

I think it is great having a dog If you have a farm full of pets it is a lot of money looking after pets. Even one pet .You have to clean your pet if it is a cat or dog  or any other pets.but if it is a pig it would roll in mud all the time. Pets do all of these brilliant things.don't you think? It is extremely important to look after your pets. 

Or else you shouldn't have pets. So make sure you look after your pets. I do all of those things every day like everybody should do right ya i thought so. so if you were to have a pet do all of those things. 

Having pets is a good way to know what it is like being a pet. And I think that it is really important that you have a pet in your family because of all of that. My pet is a really healthy fit and in good hands to be taken care of in my family on all days that I have a pet with my pet Garcia in dogs life my dog is actually twenty years old but in human years she only is one and a half years old. so it is pretty fascinating that they have their own years in life.

So I just  think that they are just so amazing that they can just be taken care of by humans. It is just what people need in their life because if you're lonely you won't be any  more because all you need to do is get a pet because they are absolutely friendly or very cranky.     So to finish off my speech I just want to tell you you can get whatever pet you would like to take care of and have fun with in your family.  Go on, do it. You wont regret it.

Friday, May 7, 2021


                                             in  totara class we made a collage art from activity week and i did  a matai bay 
                                             collage art it looks amazing and spent me a long time to make it and now it 
                                             looks awesome in all of that time.

Friday, April 16, 2021

term 1 reflection.

 Term 1 reflection 2021

This term I have been proud of the following achievements.

In reading I have been reading faster and getting better at reading big words.

In writing this term I've been getting better at making my writing interesting.

In maths I am really proud of what I have been doing in  maths.

In PE this term my freestyle is faster than last year.

In art my work is beautiful and the time I spend doing it.

During activity week i've learned a lot of things at waitangi.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021


 i made a beautiful lantern with a splashes of colers and heaps  of detail  we are antering a contest and putting all of the class lanterns in it so we might win it was really fun making the lanterns it had three sides and each won was different and there was a couple to chose from to do. i chose a lantern with two  birds  and a snail.  we yous d paint that dried really qwikly . it took a lot of days to do it but now we have finished. 


Friday, March 19, 2021

the worst day ever .

one day a Gorilla was so upset because he had no bananas so he just sat their  thinking how to git bananas he sat their all day in till ? he had an idea. he is going to go and find some other fruit instead of bananas so he paced his bag that was made of leaves but all of a sudden the bag fell apart he got so angry a gene and then he yelled  that was my mothers bag! he tried to make a bag but it never worked he tried and tried but it still did int work so he cared his stuff by hand he started walking in the north direction after an hour  of walking and looking he  found a strawberry bush he picked 35 strawberry's and set home all the way bake to his cave  on his way he found a leaf and put all of his berry's in it because the sun was so hot they started melting  and it looked like he was bleeding. he was almost to his cave but he fell and all of his strawberry's fell and rolled down a big hill  now it really is the worst day ever .


Monday, March 1, 2021